Feed Starving Girls

Feed Starving Girls Project

Dear Friend, Thank you very much for your support to our initiative feeding starving girls. The intensity of climate change has made farming difficult and less profitable and there is a dire need to improve income and livelihoods as farming is the only source of income and food for so many. Our goal is to…

Helping Elderly Women and their Families

Project initiative to help elderly women and their families

Dear Friends, Thank you very much for your continuing support to our initiative helping elderly women and their families. The situation in remote villages we are supporting is that poverty and malnutrition is getting worse because of low farming productivity and the lack of other economic activities that small-scale farmers can engage into. There is…

Super Typhoon Rai Project Initiative

Project initiative to help those affected by Super Typhoon Rai

Dear Friend, Thank you very much for your support to our project helping those affected by Super typhoon Rai. This reporting period we are happy to inform you that we continue to provide for the needs of affected families thanks also to donors outside of the GlobalGiving community. The damage caused by the typhoon is…